Hartz Peak – Third Time Lucky (March 2017)

So after my first attempt was beaten back by the weather, and my second attempt was beaten by tantrum-inducing levels of snow, I made it down with Mel today to finally get to the summit – and succeeded! We started super early to avoid the heat forecast for today (32ºC or 89.6ºF for you insane…

Hartz Peak – Winter Edition (July 2016)

One day I’ll get to the summit of Hartz Peak. My first attempt was beaten back by the weather, this second attempt was defeated by…myself getting cranky at falling over in the snow. Sam and I climbed this one along with another friend Dan, and while the weather was calm and tranquil, we had to…

Hartz Peak (February 2016)

The day was cold, cloudy, and wet. It was grey and dismal, and absolutely perfect. I honestly don’t think I’d have fallen in love with Hartz Peak if my first time there hadn’t been on such a moody day. It’s a testament to the walk that companions Mel and Kat, as well as my sister Bec,…